As Women Age Are We Irrelevant or Intimidating?

It could be a pyramid sort of thing

Robin Mosso
2 min read6 days ago
Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

A while back a friend and I were talking. Her in her late 30s and me in my mid 40s. Somehow we got on the subject of irrelevance as we age. It got me thinking.

Then just the other day, one of my friends who is in her 70s was talking to me. I love being friends with her because she is so interesting and wise. She is also educated and I view her as successful. She was expressing a lack of mutual respect with a couple of people. It reminded me of the irrelevance talk.

I let her know that perhaps she was so interesting that it was intimidating to others. Instead of others letting on that she is intimidating, they make her seem irrelevant.

Could that be the case that intimidation could cause an irrelevant feeling?

She then said that it depends on the people we are interacting with if we are relevant or not. So simple! So true!

I have seen the theme of pyramids in my minds eye for several different subjects lately including this one. I have seen this pyramid in the past in regards to spirituality and our climb to ascension. As we get closer to the top of the pyramid, the less people there are. The less community there is to be a part of. Perhaps as we get older and more interesting we climb the pyramid as well. Again, the closer we get to the top of the pyramid, the less people there are. Therefore, less people find us interesting and relevant. However, we are still more interesting and relevant just like we are still more spiritual.

What do you think? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments.



Robin Mosso

I like to write poetry as well as I write about sleep, dreaming, dream interpretation, and aging. I facilitate mixed modality energy work sessions.