Dear Black Stretchy Pants

An open letter to black stretchy pants

Robin Mosso


Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

Dear Black Stretchy Pants,

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways….

Yesterday, I stopped by Ross to buy more of you, two of you, and I didn’t listen to that voice in my ear telling me to buy more.

Is there going to be more of you when I go back by Ross tomorrow? Or will you have sold out?

I slid you on this morning and immediately felt good. Like a full lower body compression sock. I drove and ran errands in you and after I profess my love for you by writing this, I may actually have energy to clean.

Man! I wish I would have bought more than two pair of you!

Is there going to be more of you when I go back by Ross tomorrow? Or will you have sold out?

You are pajamas, yoga pants, work wear, formal wear, long johns, all in the same pair of pants.

I can sleep in you, walk the dogs in you, clean in you, exercise in you, be work casual in you, dress up in you, all in the same pants in the same day. Perhaps there are even people that wear you under their formal wear, an extra layer of warmth and comfort.

I wonder how I used to live without you. Back in the day before internet, computers, and cell phones. When we used to have a strict work dress codes that weren’t in alignment with how much we actually made.

Now, you are a staple. In most every woman’s closet. Not just mine.

Oh Black Stretchy Pants. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways….

Maybe I will make enough off of this article to buy more of you?





Robin Mosso

I like to write poetry as well as I write about sleep, dreaming, dream interpretation, and aging. I facilitate mixed modality energy work sessions.